FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Scroll Of Blind BGW Wikia FFXIAH

scroll of Blind
Scroll of Blind
b'BLM Lv.4 / RDM Lv.8
Teaches the black magic Blind.
Blinds an enemy, lowers its accuracy.'
NPC Zone Count Chance
Yagudo Scribe Giddeus 1302 out of 12791 10.2%
Amber Quadav South Gustaberg 799 out of 10684 7.5%
Amber Quadav North Gustaberg 240 out of 3226 7.4%
Yagudo Scribe Tahrongi Canyon 109 out of 1486 7.3%
Orcish Mesmerizer Ghelsba Outpost 375 out of 5135 7.3%
Orcish Mesmerizer Fort Ghelsba 124 out of 1688 7.3%
Orcish Mesmerizer East Ronfaure 333 out of 4796 6.9%
Yagudo Scribe West Sarutabaruta 308 out of 4447 6.9%
Yagudo Scribe East Sarutabaruta 325 out of 4787 6.8%
Orcish Mesmerizer West Ronfaure 629 out of 9762 6.4%
Orcish Mesmerizer La Theine Plateau 392 out of 6084 6.4%
Heliodor Quadav Grauberg [S] 9 out of 155 5.8%
Amber Quadav Konschtat Highlands 105 out of 1964 5.3%
Amber Quadav Palborough Mines 119 out of 2651 4.5%
Heliodor Quadav Crawlers' Nest [S] 3 out of 71 4.2%
Baetyl Quadav Castle Zvahl Keep [S] 24 out of 579 4.1%
Magnes Quadav Beadeaux [S] 18 out of 480 3.8%
Zircon Quadav Pashhow Marshlands [S] 41 out of 1111 3.7%
Magnes Quadav Castle Zvahl Baileys [S] 2 out of 74 2.7%
Amber Quadav North Gustaberg [S] 8 out of 441 1.8%
Heliodor Quadav Rolanberry Fields [S] 1 out of 69 1.4%
NPC Zone Count Chance
No Voidwatch chest data for this item.
scroll of Blind
Scroll of Blind
b'BLM Lv.4 / RDM Lv.8
Teaches the black magic Blind.
Blinds an enemy, lowers its accuracy.'