FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Rw Nw Prt M Hrw BGW Wikia

Item Count Chance
Item 10826Witful belt 646 out of 4809 13.4%
Item 10600Ogier's leggings 195 out of 4809 4.1%
Item Count Chance
Item 3508Crystal petrifact 2847 out of 4809 59.2%
Item 3500Chunk of riftsand 1532 out of 4809 31.9%
Item 703Petrified log 813 out of 4809 16.9%
Item 653Mythril ingot 707 out of 4809 14.7%
Item 10826Witful belt 646 out of 4809 13.4%
Item 700Mahogany log 616 out of 4809 12.8%
Item 702Ebony log 505 out of 4809 10.5%
Item 745Gold ingot 475 out of 4809 9.9%
Item 887Coral fragment 445 out of 4809 9.3%
Item 654Darksteel ingot 430 out of 4809 8.9%
Item 737Chunk of gold ore 383 out of 4809 8.0%
Item 866Handful of wyvern scales 373 out of 4809 7.8%
Item 4386King truffle 377 out of 4809 7.8%
Item 895Ram horn 356 out of 4809 7.4%
Item 902Demon horn 346 out of 4809 7.2%
Item 645Chunk of darksteel ore 326 out of 4809 6.8%
Item 1132Square of raxa 319 out of 4809 6.6%
Item 802Moonstone 293 out of 4809 6.1%
Item 652Steel ingot 290 out of 4809 6.0%
Item 784Jadeite 285 out of 4809 5.9%
Item 738Chunk of platinum ore 280 out of 4809 5.8%
Item 644Chunk of mythril ore 268 out of 4809 5.6%
Item 4140Pro-ether 266 out of 4809 5.5%
Item 801Chrysoberyl 254 out of 4809 5.3%
Item 5755Slab of ruszor meat 243 out of 4809 5.1%
Item 810Fluorite 245 out of 4809 5.1%
Item 4141Pro-ether +1 227 out of 4809 4.7%
Item 746Platinum ingot 215 out of 4809 4.5%
Item 797Painite 217 out of 4809 4.5%
Item 805Zircon 218 out of 4809 4.5%
Item 791Aquamarine 214 out of 4809 4.4%
Item 803Sunstone 211 out of 4809 4.4%
Item 4145Elixir 209 out of 4809 4.3%
Item 4144Hi-elixir 195 out of 4809 4.1%
Item 10600Ogier's leggings 195 out of 4809 4.1%
Item 4273Kitron 178 out of 4809 3.7%
Item 2169Cerberus hide 155 out of 4809 3.2%
Item 2290Chunk of Imperial cermet 136 out of 4809 2.8%
Item 722Divine log 136 out of 4809 2.8%
Item 2534Jacaranda log 130 out of 4809 2.7%
Item 823Spool of gold thread 125 out of 4809 2.6%
Item 4118Hi-potion +2 124 out of 4809 2.6%
Item 4119Hi-potion +3 101 out of 4809 2.1%
Item 4123X-potion +3 102 out of 4809 2.1%
Item 942Philosopher's stone 97 out of 4809 2.0%
Item 4122X-potion +2 93 out of 4809 1.9%
Item 4272Slice of dragon meat 90 out of 4809 1.9%
Item 740Chunk of Phrygian ore 86 out of 4809 1.8%
Item 769Red rock 75 out of 4809 1.6%
Item 773Translucent rock 74 out of 4809 1.5%
Item 756Chunk of durium ore 68 out of 4809 1.4%
Item 844Phoenix feather 65 out of 4809 1.4%
Item 830Square of rainbow cloth 66 out of 4809 1.4%
Item 859Ram skin 61 out of 4809 1.3%
Item 1312Piece of angel skin 61 out of 4809 1.3%
Item 776White rock 60 out of 4809 1.2%
Item 1271Pigeon's blood ruby 57 out of 4809 1.2%
Item 2372Khimaira mane 56 out of 4809 1.2%
Item 771Yellow rock 55 out of 4809 1.1%
Item 774Purple rock 51 out of 4809 1.1%
Item 775Black rock 48 out of 4809 1.00%
Item 1465Slab of granite 49 out of 4809 1.0%
Item 770Blue rock 44 out of 4809 0.91%
Item 772Green rock 40 out of 4809 0.83%
Item 4199Strength potion 38 out of 4809 0.79%
Item 4207Intelligence potion 36 out of 4809 0.75%
Item 4203Vitality potion 35 out of 4809 0.73%
Item 2496Ancient beast horn 32 out of 4809 0.67%
Item 2408Flocon-de-mer 29 out of 4809 0.60%
Item 4211Charisma potion 28 out of 4809 0.58%
Item 4209Mind potion 27 out of 4809 0.56%
Item 4201Dexterity potion 26 out of 4809 0.54%
Item 4213Icarus wing 24 out of 4809 0.50%
Item 5060Scroll of Light Carol II 23 out of 4809 0.48%
Item 692Beech log 23 out of 4809 0.48%
Item 2198Water spider's web 21 out of 4809 0.44%
Item 1116Manticore hide 21 out of 4809 0.44%
Item 748Gold beastcoin 18 out of 4809 0.37%
Item 1122Wyvern skin 18 out of 4809 0.37%
Item 749Mythril beastcoin 17 out of 4809 0.35%
Item 4205Agility potion 17 out of 4809 0.35%
Item 4968Scroll of Kakka: Ichi 17 out of 4809 0.35%
Item 2172Hydra scale 16 out of 4809 0.33%
Item 5086Scroll of Regen V 16 out of 4809 0.33%
Item 5087Scroll of Gain-STR 15 out of 4809 0.31%
Item 4889Scroll of Breakga 14 out of 4809 0.29%
Item 5061Scroll of Dark Carol II 13 out of 4809 0.27%
Item 5083Scroll of Cura III 12 out of 4809 0.25%
Item 4825Scroll of Gravity II 12 out of 4809 0.25%
Item 5058Scroll of Lightning Carol II 12 out of 4809 0.25%
Item 2189Fiendish skin 12 out of 4809 0.25%
Item 5098Scroll of Boost-INT 11 out of 4809 0.23%
Item 4985Scroll of Horde Lullaby II 11 out of 4809 0.23%
Item 811Ametrine 10 out of 4809 0.21%
Item 4891Scroll of Blizzaja 10 out of 4809 0.21%
Item 5094Scroll of Boost-STR 10 out of 4809 0.21%
Item 4887Scroll of Absorb-Attri 10 out of 4809 0.21%
Item 2188Wyvern tailskin 10 out of 4809 0.21%
Item 788Peridot 9 out of 4809 0.19%
Item 790Garnet 9 out of 4809 0.19%
Item 798Turquoise 9 out of 4809 0.19%
Item 4827Scroll of Comet 9 out of 4809 0.19%
Item 2275Scintillant ingot 9 out of 4809 0.19%
Item 4630Scroll of Holy II 8 out of 4809 0.17%
Item 815Sphene 8 out of 4809 0.17%
Item 4776Scroll of Thunder V 8 out of 4809 0.17%
Item 5091Scroll of Gain-INT 7 out of 4809 0.15%
Item 5093Scroll of Gain-CHR 7 out of 4809 0.15%
Item 2000Dark adaman ingot 7 out of 4809 0.15%
Item 5056Scroll of Wind Carol II 6 out of 4809 0.12%
Item 4705Scroll of Temper 6 out of 4809 0.12%
Item 4619Scroll of Curaga V 6 out of 4809 0.12%
Item 4894Scroll of Thundaja 6 out of 4809 0.12%
Item 5055Scroll of Ice Carol II 6 out of 4809 0.12%
Item 4892Scroll of Aeroja 5 out of 4809 0.10%
Item 5100Scroll of Boost-CHR 5 out of 4809 0.10%
Item 5090Scroll of Gain-AGI 4 out of 4809 0.08%
Item 5088Scroll of Gain-DEX 4 out of 4809 0.08%
Item 808Goshenite 4 out of 4809 0.08%
Item 699Oak log 4 out of 4809 0.08%
Item 5095Scroll of Boost-DEX 4 out of 4809 0.08%
Item 701Rosewood log 3 out of 4809 0.06%
Item 5097Scroll of Boost-AGI 3 out of 4809 0.06%
Item 5080Scroll of Pining Nocturne 3 out of 4809 0.06%
Item 792Pearl 3 out of 4809 0.06%
Item 793Black pearl 3 out of 4809 0.06%
Item 4761Scroll of Blizzard V 3 out of 4809 0.06%
Item 4756Scroll of Fire V 2 out of 4809 0.04%
Item 5006Scroll of Valor Minuet V 2 out of 4809 0.04%
Item 5085Scroll of Regen IV 2 out of 4809 0.04%
Item 791Aquamarine 1 out of 4809 0.02%
Item 831Square of shining cloth 1 out of 4809 0.02%
Item 4969Scroll of Migawari: Ichi 1 out of 4809 0.02%
Item 5054Scroll of Fire Carol II 1 out of 4809 0.02%
Item 6061Adloquium schema 1 out of 4809 0.02%
Item 4890Scroll of Firaja 1 out of 4809 0.02%