FFXIDB Tracking Data
151,713,533 Kills
680,586 Voidwatch Chests
84,094 Monster Spawns
7,267,914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8,887 NPCs
25,601 Items

Chelona Trousers BGW Wikia FFXIAH

chelona trousers
Chelona trousers
[Legs]All Races
DEF:46 MP+40 STR-8 DEX-8 VIT-8
AGI-8 INT+8 MND+8 CHR+8 Enmity-5
Bonus damage added to magic burst
chelona trousers
Chelona trousers
[Legs]All Races
DEF:46 MP+40 STR-8 DEX-8 VIT-8
AGI-8 INT+8 MND+8 CHR+8 Enmity-5
Bonus damage added to magic burst

spool of wool thread
Spool of wool thread
Thread spun from the hair
of a variety of sheep.
square of wolf felt
Square of wolf felt
Made from sheep wool and
wolf fur matted together, this
cloth is extremely warm and resilient.
square of Imperial silk cloth
Square of Imperial silk cloth
This square of silk cloth was created
using Near Eastern weaving techniques.
spool of platinum silk thread
Spool of platinum silk thread
Smooth silk wrapped around
a fine thread of pure platinum.
square of amphiptere leather
Square of amphiptere leather
The rough hide of an amphiptere has been processed into a smooth and sturdy square of leather.
earth crystal
Earth crystal
A crystal infused with earth energy.
platinum ingot
Platinum ingot
An ingot of refined platinum.
spool of gold thread
Spool of gold thread
This silk thread is wound around
a gold strand.