FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Black Mage's Testimony BGW Wikia FFXIAH

black mage's testimony
Black mage's testimony
b'This papyrus scroll reads:
"The bearer of this document has
proven excellence in the ways of
the black mage."'
NPC Zone Count Chance
Tonberry Pontifex Den Of Rancor 102 out of 122 83.6%
Orcish Hexspinner Monastic Cavern 783 out of 1642 47.7%
Sapphire Quadav Beadeaux 1442 out of 9334 15.4%
Yagudo Prelate Castle Oztroja 3677 out of 24068 15.3%
Sapphire Quadav Qulun Dome 750 out of 5551 13.5%
Tonberry Jinxer Yhoator Jungle 34 out of 353 9.6%
Tonberry Maledictor Temple Of Uggalepih 1128 out of 14062 8.0%
Tonberry Imprecator Den Of Rancor 1067 out of 16502 6.5%
Antican Praetor Quicksand Caves 612 out of 10362 5.9%
Antican Quaestor Quicksand Caves 2872 out of 62888 4.6%
NPC Zone Count Chance
No Voidwatch chest data for this item.
black mage's testimony
Black mage's testimony
b'This papyrus scroll reads:
"The bearer of this document has
proven excellence in the ways of
the black mage."'