FFXIDB Tracking Data
151,713,533 Kills
680,586 Voidwatch Chests
84,094 Monster Spawns
7,267,914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8,887 NPCs
25,601 Items

Set Of Alchemist's Tools BGW Wikia FFXIAH

set of alchemist's tools
Set of alchemist's tools
A set of equipment used in alchemy
experiments conducted in Aht Urhgan.
set of alchemist's tools
Set of alchemist's tools
A set of equipment used in alchemy
experiments conducted in Aht Urhgan.
iron ingot
Iron ingot
An ingot of smelted iron ore.
sheet of parchment
Sheet of parchment
This paper is made from
specially processed giant sheepskin.
glass sheet
Glass sheet
A sheet of transparent glass.
This mortar is used by the Alchemists'
Guild to grind medicines.
colibri feather
Colibri feather
A feather from the tail of a colibri.
Aht Urhgan brass ingot
Aht Urhgan brass ingot
An ingot of refined Aht Urhgan brass.
Aht Urhgan brass sheet
Aht Urhgan brass sheet
Aht Urhgan brass forged into a sheet.
flint glass sheet
Flint glass sheet
A high quality sheet of extremely
pliable glass.
fire crystal
Fire crystal
A crystal infused with fire energy.
inferno crystal
Inferno crystal
A crystal infused with fire energy.