FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Emerald BGW Wikia FFXIAH

b'A green jewel.
NPC Zone Count Chance
Yearner Abyssea - Tahrongi 47 out of 1431 3.3%
Cuelebre Abyssea - Tahrongi 25 out of 784 3.2%
Lachrymater Abyssea - Tahrongi 28 out of 888 3.2%
Mictlantecuhtli Abyssea - Tahrongi 122 out of 4123 3.0%
Quetzalli Abyssea - Tahrongi 79 out of 2632 3.0%
Hedetet Abyssea - Tahrongi 296 out of 10378 2.9%
Treble Noctules Abyssea - Tahrongi 282 out of 10406 2.7%
Alectryon Abyssea - Tahrongi 422 out of 16437 2.6%
Chukwa Abyssea - Tahrongi 303 out of 11561 2.6%
Adze Abyssea - Tahrongi 436 out of 17782 2.5%
Manananggal Abyssea - Tahrongi 20 out of 796 2.5%
Minhocao Abyssea - Tahrongi 444 out of 17679 2.5%
Muscaliet Abyssea - Tahrongi 392 out of 15825 2.5%
Ophanim Abyssea - Tahrongi 252 out of 10204 2.5%
Tefenet Abyssea - Tahrongi 165 out of 11509 1.4%
Abas Abyssea - Tahrongi 125 out of 10004 1.2%
Gancanagh Abyssea - Tahrongi 85 out of 7141 1.2%
Cannered Noz Abyssea - Tahrongi 93 out of 61269 0.15%
Fleshflayer Killakriq Abyssea - Grauberg 1 out of 1170 0.09%
Refitted Chariot Abyssea - Uleguerand 1 out of 2679 0.04%
Raja Abyssea - Grauberg 1 out of 2253 0.04%
Shinryu Abyssea - Empyreal Paradox 5 out of 13304 0.04%
Hedjedjet Abyssea - Altepa 1 out of 6617 0.02%
Rani Abyssea - Altepa 1 out of 6217 0.02%
Amphitrite Abyssea - Grauberg 1 out of 5225 0.02%
Hazhdiha Abyssea - Altepa 2 out of 18150 0.01%
Long-Barreled Chariot Abyssea - Altepa 1 out of 9398 0.01%
Kur Abyssea - Uleguerand 3 out of 22062 0.01%
Resheph Abyssea - Uleguerand 1 out of 9327 0.01%
Alfard Abyssea - Grauberg 1 out of 7660 0.01%
Dragua Abyssea - Altepa 1 out of 24042 0.00%
NPC Zone Count Chance
No Voidwatch chest data for this item.
b'A green jewel.