FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Wazir BGW Wikia

Zone: Provenance

Item Count Average TH0 TH1 TH2 TH3+
Item 3566Supernal abjuration: hands 293 out of 6032 4.9% 0% 0% 9.1% 6.2%
Item 3571Transitory abjuration: hands 139 out of 6032 2.3% 0% 0% 0.00% 4.6%
Item 3581Lenitive abjuration: hands 61 out of 6032 1.0% 0% 0% 0.00% 0.55%
Item 3576Foreboding abjuration: hands 94 out of 6032 1.6% 0% 0% 0.00% 2.0%
NPC Zone Spawns
No other NPCs with that name.

No spawns recorded.

supernal abjuration: hands
Supernal abjuration: hands
b'"May the supernal spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse."
This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed tekko.'
transitory abjuration: hands
Transitory abjuration: hands
b'"May the transitory spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse."
This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed wristbands.'
foreboding abjuration: hands
Foreboding abjuration: hands
b'"May the foreboding spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse."
This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed gages.'
lenitive abjuration: hands
Lenitive abjuration: hands
b'"May the lenitive spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse."
This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed cuffs.'