FFXIDB Tracking Data
151,713,533 Kills
680,586 Voidwatch Chests
84,094 Monster Spawns
7,267,914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8,887 NPCs
25,601 Items

Iron Bullet BGW Wikia FFXIAH

iron bullet
Iron bullet
(Marksmanship)All Races
DMG:55 Delay:240
iron bullet
Iron bullet
(Marksmanship)All Races
DMG:55 Delay:240
iron ingot
Iron ingot
An ingot of smelted iron ore.
jar of firesand
Jar of firesand
Any slight impact will ignite
this specially mixed substance.
fire crystal
Fire crystal
A crystal infused with fire energy.
flask of distilled water
Flask of distilled water
This water has been purified
by a distillation process.
light crystal
Light crystal
A crystal infused with light energy.
Goblin mail
Goblin mail
Bronze armor worn by Goblin warriors.
Due to its odd shape, only Goblins
can wear it.
lightning crystal
Lightning crystal
A crystal infused with lightning energy.
A single red carnation.
Moblin mail
Moblin mail
Simple brass armor. Due to its odd
shape, only Moblins can wear it.
steel ingot
Steel ingot
An ingot of smelted steel.
Quadav backplate
Quadav backplate
A darksteel shell worn by the Quadav.
It is far too heavy for people to wear.
Goblin mask
Goblin mask
A mask that filters out bad odors.
Due to its odd shape, only Goblins
can wear it.
Gigas gauntlets
Gigas gauntlets
The massive gauntlets worn by armored
Gigas. Far too large or heavy to be
worn by people, the lack of skill in
craftsmanship is compensated for by
sheer enormity and ruggedness.
Gigas helm
Gigas helm
The huge headwear of a full-grown
Gigas. Incapable of being equipped by
any other race, the helmet is designed
as much for inducing fear in the enemy
as protecting the head of its wearer.
bronze ingot
Bronze ingot
An ingot of smelted bronze.