FFXIDB Tracking Data
151,713,533 Kills
680,586 Voidwatch Chests
84,094 Monster Spawns
7,267,914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8,887 NPCs
25,601 Items

Melon Pie BGW Wikia FFXIAH

melon pie
Melon pie
A shockingly good pie made from
MP+25 AGI-1 INT+4
melon pie
Melon pie
A shockingly good pie made from
MP+25 AGI-1 INT+4
piece of pie dough
Piece of pie dough
Excellent dough for making pies.
pot of maple sugar
Pot of maple sugar
This sweetener is made from sap
extracted from the maple tree.
stick of cinnamon
Stick of cinnamon
A spice made from dried tree bark.
It is also used as an antiseptic.
This fruit is sweet, but the electric
field it generates numbs your tongue.
bird egg
Bird egg
This egg is renowned for its flavor.
fire crystal
Fire crystal
A crystal infused with fire energy.
lizard egg
Lizard egg
Lizard eggs are known for
their exquisite flavor.