FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Belphoebe BGW Wikia

Item Count Chance
Item 16498Carabineer's dagger 128 out of 1213 10.6%
Item 17057Tefnut wand 48 out of 1213 4.0%
Item Count Chance
Item 3508Crystal petrifact 691 out of 1213 57.0%
Item 3510Silver mirror 285 out of 1213 23.5%
Item 703Petrified log 174 out of 1213 14.3%
Item 4140Pro-ether 132 out of 1213 10.9%
Item 16498Carabineer's dagger 128 out of 1213 10.6%
Item 700Mahogany log 127 out of 1213 10.5%
Item 4141Pro-ether +1 119 out of 1213 9.8%
Item 4144Hi-elixir 104 out of 1213 8.6%
Item 4145Elixir 101 out of 1213 8.3%
Item 887Coral fragment 87 out of 1213 7.2%
Item 702Ebony log 81 out of 1213 6.7%
Item 749Mythril beastcoin 78 out of 1213 6.4%
Item 748Gold beastcoin 70 out of 1213 5.8%
Item 1132Square of raxa 70 out of 1213 5.8%
Item 895Ram horn 67 out of 1213 5.5%
Item 737Chunk of gold ore 64 out of 1213 5.3%
Item 644Chunk of mythril ore 64 out of 1213 5.3%
Item 738Chunk of platinum ore 59 out of 1213 4.9%
Item 3500Chunk of riftsand 59 out of 1213 4.9%
Item 4123X-potion +3 56 out of 1213 4.6%
Item 4122X-potion +2 55 out of 1213 4.5%
Item 645Chunk of darksteel ore 48 out of 1213 4.0%
Item 17057Tefnut wand 48 out of 1213 4.0%
Item 866Handful of wyvern scales 46 out of 1213 3.8%
Item 4118Hi-potion +2 46 out of 1213 3.8%
Item 654Darksteel ingot 45 out of 1213 3.7%
Item 5755Slab of ruszor meat 44 out of 1213 3.6%
Item 4119Hi-potion +3 42 out of 1213 3.5%
Item 902Demon horn 42 out of 1213 3.5%
Item 653Mythril ingot 42 out of 1213 3.5%
Item 808Goshenite 37 out of 1213 3.1%
Item 788Peridot 37 out of 1213 3.1%
Item 798Turquoise 36 out of 1213 3.0%
Item 811Ametrine 36 out of 1213 3.0%
Item 802Moonstone 32 out of 1213 2.6%
Item 745Gold ingot 32 out of 1213 2.6%
Item 652Steel ingot 31 out of 1213 2.6%
Item 810Fluorite 30 out of 1213 2.5%
Item 4386King truffle 30 out of 1213 2.5%
Item 4207Intelligence potion 30 out of 1213 2.5%
Item 793Black pearl 30 out of 1213 2.5%
Item 790Garnet 30 out of 1213 2.5%
Item 4209Mind potion 28 out of 1213 2.3%
Item 792Pearl 28 out of 1213 2.3%
Item 791Aquamarine 27 out of 1213 2.2%
Item 784Jadeite 27 out of 1213 2.2%
Item 815Sphene 27 out of 1213 2.2%
Item 4273Kitron 27 out of 1213 2.2%
Item 4199Strength potion 25 out of 1213 2.1%
Item 4203Vitality potion 26 out of 1213 2.1%
Item 803Sunstone 26 out of 1213 2.1%
Item 4201Dexterity potion 26 out of 1213 2.1%
Item 830Square of rainbow cloth 24 out of 1213 2.0%
Item 4205Agility potion 23 out of 1213 1.9%
Item 823Spool of gold thread 22 out of 1213 1.8%
Item 797Painite 21 out of 1213 1.7%
Item 2290Chunk of Imperial cermet 19 out of 1213 1.6%
Item 2534Jacaranda log 20 out of 1213 1.6%
Item 4211Charisma potion 18 out of 1213 1.5%
Item 769Red rock 16 out of 1213 1.3%
Item 801Chrysoberyl 16 out of 1213 1.3%
Item 740Chunk of Phrygian ore 16 out of 1213 1.3%
Item 942Philosopher's stone 16 out of 1213 1.3%
Item 4213Icarus wing 15 out of 1213 1.2%
Item 805Zircon 15 out of 1213 1.2%
Item 699Oak log 14 out of 1213 1.2%
Item 773Translucent rock 13 out of 1213 1.1%
Item 776White rock 13 out of 1213 1.1%
Item 844Phoenix feather 13 out of 1213 1.1%
Item 774Purple rock 12 out of 1213 0.99%
Item 772Green rock 12 out of 1213 0.99%
Item 2169Cerberus hide 12 out of 1213 0.99%
Item 3113Goetia seal: head 12 out of 1213 0.99%
Item 701Rosewood log 12 out of 1213 0.99%
Item 1465Slab of granite 12 out of 1213 0.99%
Item 3112Orison seal: head 10 out of 1213 0.82%
Item 770Blue rock 10 out of 1213 0.82%
Item 771Yellow rock 9 out of 1213 0.74%
Item 4272Slice of dragon meat 9 out of 1213 0.74%
Item 3111Tantra seal: head 9 out of 1213 0.74%
Item 690Elm log 9 out of 1213 0.74%
Item 3110Ravager's seal: head 8 out of 1213 0.66%
Item 775Black rock 8 out of 1213 0.66%
Item 2372Khimaira mane 7 out of 1213 0.58%
Item 3122Iga seal: head 7 out of 1213 0.58%
Item 3126Navarch's seal: head 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 3116Creed seal: head 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 3123Lancer's seal: head 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 651Iron ingot 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 3125Mavi seal: head 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 3118Ferine seal: head 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 3120Sylvan seal: head 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 756Chunk of durium ore 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 692Beech log 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 694Chestnut log 6 out of 1213 0.49%
Item 3114Estoqueur's seal: head 5 out of 1213 0.41%
Item 746Platinum ingot 5 out of 1213 0.41%
Item 3115Raider's seal: head 5 out of 1213 0.41%
Item 3117Bale seal: head 5 out of 1213 0.41%
Item 4771Scroll of Stone V 4 out of 1213 0.33%
Item 2172Hydra scale 4 out of 1213 0.33%
Item 814Amber stone 4 out of 1213 0.33%
Item 809Clear topaz 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 3121Unkai seal: head 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 2198Water spider's web 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 807Sardonyx 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 3119Aoidos' seal: head 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 5100Scroll of Boost-CHR 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 3127Cirque seal: head 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 5093Scroll of Gain-CHR 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 3124Caller's seal: head 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 2408Flocon-de-mer 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 6060Animus Minuo schema 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 4691Scroll of Baramnesra 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 744Silver ingot 3 out of 1213 0.25%
Item 5085Scroll of Regen IV 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 643Chunk of iron ore 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 4706Scroll of Enlight 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 3129Savant's seal: head 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 5079Scroll of Foe Lullaby II 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 2188Wyvern tailskin 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 2878Square of scarlet kadife 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 4893Scroll of Stoneja 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 3128Charis seal: head 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 795Lapis lazuli 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 5078Scroll of Sentinel's Scherzo 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 4655Scroll of Protect V 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 806Tourmaline 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 796Light opal 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 4614Scroll of Cure VI 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 5099Scroll of Boost-MND 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 4850Scroll of Refresh II 2 out of 1213 0.16%
Item 703Petrified log 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 702Ebony log 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 5057Scroll of Earth Carol II 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 2877Ingot of befouled silver 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 2000Dark adaman ingot 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 5006Scroll of Valor Minuet V 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4863Scroll of Break 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 2496Ancient beast horn 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4761Scroll of Blizzard V 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4660Scroll of Shell V 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4892Scroll of Aeroja 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4756Scroll of Fire V 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4690Scroll of Baramnesia 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4991Scroll of Army's Paeon VI 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 736Chunk of silver ore 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4969Scroll of Migawari: Ichi 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4982Scroll of Foe Requiem VII 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 800Amethyst 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 4895Scroll of Waterja 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 5059Scroll of Water Carol II 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 799Onyx 1 out of 1213 0.08%
Item 1116Manticore hide 1 out of 1213 0.08%